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What About a Scientific Definition of Love?

Some people are afraid of a scientific definition of love.  They think it might remove the mystery, and the magic, and even the wonder and marvel from love. May we suggest there’s nothing to be afraid of.

Scientific definitions when they have any public effect at all just help us to be in touch with new things to marvel and wonder about.  More commonly they give us ways to be more accurate.  With that in mind let’s think about science and defining love.

Our brains neurochemically and neuroelectrically process everything we do psychologically including love.  A huge amount of evidence is building up which indicates healthy real love causes all sorts of healthful neurochemical and biological things to happen.  There also is an enormous amount of research-based evidence showing the lack of healthy real love elements in the lives’ of higher order creature causes serious dysfunction and even death. Not only that, but we already know there are some things associated with love which cause all sorts of different neurochemical changes in the brain which then influences the biochemistry of the body.

All this suggests that someday the brain sciences and biological sciences will probably be able to give us something of a physiologically based, functional definition of love.  Hopefully such a definition won’t be unintelligible to the lay public nor of limited practical use in relationships.  New discoveries can add to our knowledge of love and how it is processed especially in the brain.  That also could prove medically helpful.  By the way, keep watch on this site for information about these interesting areas; we do plan to go over some of the useful and more interesting facts that are known about love and the brain and brain chemistry.

Currently the research is insufficient to be able to credibly describe, let alone accurately define, love neuro-scientifically.  In fact we may never be able to do that because love may be a phenomenon processed by the brain but not created by it.  However, every year a number of scientific disciplines are discovering things that relate to love.  Those discoveries give us ‘trend’ evidence as to what love may be all about and those discoveries are quite useful.

There is one type of scientific definition which can tell us some very important things about love.  In the behavioral sciences much use has been made of what is known as an ‘operational definition’.  In this a phenomenon is defined by the operations it takes to identify and measure it.  Rain can be identified by the operation of going outside and having descending precipitation get you wet.  Rain can be measured by holding up a glass and seeing how much water falls into the glass as you get wet.  Those two operations can give us an operational definition of rain.  Temperature can be defined by the operations of a thermometer.  Driving can be defined by all the complicated operations of getting in a car and making it go somewhere.  Defining healthy real love operationally is somewhat more complicated.

Lucky for us the social psychologists with help from the comparative animal psychologists, the developmentalists, and with background from the pediatric psychiatrists and cultural anthropologists, plus others with much labor have identified eight groups of behavior by which we directly get and give love.  This provides us with the operations of love.

Interestingly it seems each of these groups of love behaviors bring about different biological, emotional, mental, relational and social improvements in both human and animal well-being.  To this we must add the research which shows four other ‘mega’ love action categories.  Here we are going to give you just a short introduction to these love behavior categories; there is much much more about them that can be written, learned, and most importantly practiced.

As always – Go and Grow with Love

Dr. J. Richard Cookerly

The next installment in this series is: 7 Other Definitions of Real Love Worth Considering

Definition of Love Series
An Introduction: What is Love Dr. Cookerly?
The Definition of Love
A More ‘Ample’ Definition of Love
How This Definition of Love was Derived
A Dozen Things LOVE IS and A Dozen Things LOVE IS NOT
A Functional Definition Of Love
A Behavioral (Operational) Definition of Love
What About a Scientific Definition of Love?
7 Other Definitions of Real Love Worth Considering

7 Other Definitions of Real Love Worth Considering

Various disciplines and schools of thought define love quite differently depending on their focus and perspective.  Here are seven composite, summary definition statements culled from seven differing theoretical approaches to defining love.

1.  An  Artistic Definition of Love
Love is the art of treating the loved beautifully.  This art is accomplished, as in all the arts, by skillful performance which is acquired by experience, study, observation and training.  The aim of the art known as love is to powerfully and ingeniously create mutual, beautiful, aesthetic living experiences for and with the loved sometimes resulting in exquisite, awesome, intimate enrichment unavailable by any other means.

2.  A  Behavioral Economics Definition of Love
Real love can be defined as a special case of equity theory.  A person emotionally invests, has their investments accepted and gets a positive, equitable return on their emotional investment in this definition.  This causes further investment and as additional returns build up emotional equity is stored.  The stored emotional equity can be drawn upon in times of negative return or low return.  However, unless the accumulated, emotional equity is considerable severe loss or continued lengthy low returns can lead to a cessation of emotional investment which in turn can lead to a cessation of the love relationship.

3.  An Evolution Psychology Definition of Love
Love is a powerful, evolutional, genetically encoded survival mechanism whereby those life forms that strongly attach to one another, or to some entity, produce a survival advantage often involving superior cooperation, collaboration, coordinated effort, unity of purpose, defensive tactics and strategies, and mutually reinforcing pleasure-based, pain avoidant bonding.

4. A Metaphysical Definition of Love
Love is metaphysically defined as the prime cause of cosmos and opponent of chaos, the pre-eminent, transcendent uni–force in the universe uniting all being and creation together which in its ontological, highest earthly manifestation, is the root life force permeating and guiding all life toward life’s greatest transcendental advancements, wholeness and primacy.

5.  A  Neuroscience Definition of Love
Love is a poorly understood neurochemical, and perhaps neural electrical phenomenon, probably primarily processed in the brain’s limbic system which was genetically evolved to make us value, join with and assist the survival and healthful well-being of those loved usually via interactional relationships.

6.  A  Psycho-Socio-Dynamic Definition of Love
Love is that which produces a set of internal feeling states by which one senses great affection, care, warmth, positive regard, continuing attraction, intimate personal connection and a desire to share with, be beneficial to, protect and experience happiness interacting with who or what is loved.

7.  A Theological Definition of Love
According to the theologies of many world religions real love is defined something like: the true and total nature of God and, thus, the most important of all things, the essence of all that is deific, the substance and the essence of true spirituality, the first and always force which birthed creation, the core power of divinity, the source of all other real loves, that which if we are without makes us as nothing even if we have all other virtues, faith, powers, knowledge, talents and wealth, and that which we are to be about above all else.

Note: please remember that these seven definitions are just composite samples of the many love definition efforts in a wide variety of varying schools of thought and study.  With that in mind, let us suggest that you might want to work on your own personal definition of love.

Love Success Question
Has your heart made mistakes or been confused about real love and, therefore, needs the help of your head?

As always – Go and Grow with Love

Dr. J. Richard Cookerly


Definition of Love Series

Suggested Reading Sequence

An Introduction: What is Love Dr. Cookerly?
The Definition of Love
A More ‘Ample’ Definition of Love
How This Definition of Love was Derived
A Dozen Things LOVE IS and A Dozen Things LOVE IS NOT
A Functional Definition Of Love
A Behavioral (Operational) Definition of Love
What About a Scientific Definition of Love?
7 Other Definitions of Real Love Worth Considering

Parenting Series

Here is a simple seven step system for motivating your young ones (and sometimes for motivating the ‘child self’ in an adult) toward the actions desired and seen as good.  It is a love empowered system which tends to help love relationships grow as guidance is given, boundaries are set and discipline rendered.  It is a system that has been found to work with a vast array of very different types of youth and others, and could be the system most likely to work for you because it works for so many others.

False Forms of Love Series

Dealing With Love Hurts Series

While life’s greatest joys can occur because of love some of life’s greatest hurts also can occur because of love going wrong, gone wrong or love lost. Love relationship failure and its profound agony, the despair of love leaving, the brutal stab of love rejection, the anguish of love betrayal , the angst of love in doubt, the sickening emptiness of love never present are but some of the hurts we humans face when dealing with insufficient and malfunctioning love. Few people are raised with good examples, helpful knowledge and useful guidance concerning dealing with the many types of hurt possible in love relationship situations. The good news is we can learn the skills it takes to cope and even grow from these painful experiences.