Synopsis: How to begin on the path toward real friendship love; sometimes go on to real and lasting mate or spouse type love; and the surprising and often determining factor that most people do not know makes the biggest difference in getting started on that path is revealed and well reviewed here.
From Strangers to Best Friends to Lovers
So often the best, strongest and healthiest love relationships once were just budding friendships. It all started when strangers became new acquaintances. From there they moved on to deepening friendships and then to true and lasting loves – or not. What made the difference between those who stayed at the acquaintance level and those who got to a friendship that later turned into an ardent, romantic, real, love relationship? Some, of course, continued on in deepening friendship love while others traveled the love-mate route. Either way healthy, real, long-lasting and super enriching love was at the heart of those relationships. Many of the happiest spouses were once best friends, close friends, dearest friends, great friends or long-term friends. Those were the people who did not do the fall in love thing but rather did the grow in love thing.With a little knowledge about love relationships and how they begin, you may be able to start on the path toward great friendship love and/or great spouse type love.
First Comes Getting from Acquaintanceship to Friendship
When you meet someone new, they go from being a stranger to being a new acquaintance. It is that first impressions important time. But the most important, early impression’s factor may surprise you. It could, in fact, be one you might never have thought about because it turns out few people have. First, it will be good to have a little background knowledge.Do you know that in the first 30 seconds of meeting someone new, a very important non-conscious process begins to happen deep in your brain. It is one that may determine whether, or not, you and this new person get to move on to real friendship or stay at the acquaintance only level. Once you learn about it, your conscious mind can work with that subconscious process to get really good and better results. By doing that, conscious plus subconscious synthesis, forming a real friendship that could become a mate love union becomes much more possible.
The Surprising, Biggest Factor That Can Start the Friendship Process to Begin
It is not so much what you say nor is it all about the qualities and intonations of your voice. Neither does it have much to do with how you dress or your general appearance. The big surprise is that the most important factor in starting a face-to-face, personal interaction that then can move toward friendship probably is your physical movements, or lack thereof. Yes, that's right, apparently how you move makes the most substantial difference in the beginning of befriending a new acquaintance.That is because the deep subconscious mind, where mostly we think friendship choices largely are made, evaluates people for friendship by the way they move their hands, arms, legs, body, head and most importantly their facial muscles. Each of these gives clues to who a person is psychologically. The subconscious reads and interprets all those movement clue and starts to render positive, negative or neutral valuations.
Some years ago, a UCLA psychologist reviewed the relevant research and concluded that in face-to-face, personal interactions about 55% of your general, emotional impact on another person has to do with your facial expressions. No other factor got that high a percentage. Since then, other research has added to and elaborated that researcher’s findings. Those research efforts have given us a much more complete picture of positive, personal interaction formation, i.e. friendship beginning.
More recent research has discovered such things as the fact that within 30 seconds of meeting someone new, deep in your brain (in the amygdala and posterior cingulate cortex -- for the medically minded) yay or nay friendship choosing unconsciously already has started to occur.
If the choosing is more yay, another part of your brain (the ventral tegmental section) will help motivate you toward increased, assertive, friendly interactions with a new person. It also may motivate you to start moving various muscle groups in ways more likely to be interpreted by the person you are talking with, as emotionally positive and friendly. Consciously, you probably are not likely to notice any of that happening. However, adding conscious awareness and thinking about this non-conscious process can make it all work far better.
How to Use This Friendship and Love Knowledge
If you greet someone new by first boldly striding toward them, head up, shoulders back a little, arms swinging open a bit and with a big smile on your face, for many you probably are off to a pretty good start before you have said a single word. If you do the opposite of those things, walk up to them with timid steps, hunched over, stoop and shrug, look down and away, keep your arms close to your body and immobile without any hand gestures, frown, scowl or look stone-faced – very probably it will not get off to a good start.The trick is to be a bit mindful of your movable parts. The subconscious of whoever you are talking to is likely reading your movements and is psycho-emotionally moving minutely toward or away from friendship with you because of these movement factors.
You do not have to fake anything. Genuineness counts and phoniness sometimes can be perceived quite well. You just have to ask yourself, are your movements genuinely representing you and who you want to be at the moment. If you are not feeling so great, you might have to re-center your focus and mobilize your energy toward genuinely desiring to get off to a good start with this new person in your life.
When Your Movements Are Most Important
Here's another surprise from research. Changing your facial expressions, your stance, posture, hand gestures, head turning and other movements all become increasingly important while you are verbally silently listening to your new, potential friend talking. A nod when you feel a compatibility with what that person is saying, a look of interest with a bit of leaning forward when you are seated, looking attentive and making other small, appropriate, facial, expression changes for whatever emotions are being indicated, all help to move your joint interactions to go toward friendship beginning.It is important to realize that your movements, in essence, are talking while you are verbally not speaking as well as when you are talking. If your body language is talking in a harmonizing way with the new person you are interacting with, things are likely to go well. If your motions convey your feelings are positive about that person, real friendship bonding becomes much more likely. However, if you are not making pretty good eye contact, doing movements that convey you are disinterested, distracted, or bored or even worse uncaring, interaction harmony probably will not occur and you will be stuck at the acquaintance level, at best.
Let me suggest spending some time pondering what your movements are usually saying and what you want them to convey. May I also recommend researching and studying some of what is known about nonverbal communication (sometimes called expressional communication) and, maybe then, its effect on friendship development. After that try practicing micro-movements in the mirror followed by more practice of the same with friends, family and finally with strangers.
One stone-faced fellow I suggested this to reported practicing flashing smiles at strangers in a department store. The very first day he attempted that, a rather strong personal connection occurred which quickly led him to becoming a no longer, lonely single. So, be careful with all this because you never know what it may lead to.
If you would like to go deeper into this subject, I recommend checking out “Amity, The Journal of Friendship Studies” from the University of Leeds, UK and Stanford University's ongoing, friendship research projects, publications and courses to take. Also, check out these other mini-love-lessons: “Friendship Love and Its Extraordinary Importance”, “Behaviors That Make and Grow Friendship Love”, “Understanding Friendship: from Mild Geniality to Profound Love”.
Of course, there is so much more to learn and practice concerning starting friendships and the love they might lead to. Hopefully, this mini-love-lesson will help you to get off to a really good start, if that's what you want to do.
One more thing
It might help to start or deepen a friendship by talking about the things in this mini-love-lesson with someone else, perhaps an acquaintance. If you do that, please mention our site and its many mini-love-lessons, thereby, helping to spread love knowledge.As always – Go and Grow with Love
Dr. J. Richard Cookerly
Quotable Love Question: To have a truly loving friend, do you have to know how to be one?