Over 300 FREE mini-love-lessons touching the lives of thousands in over 190 countries worldwide!

Mission and Vision

The Mission
The Mission of this website is to present the very best wisdom and knowledge about healthy real love that is available so that all people can improve their ability to succeed at love, to love more healthfully and solve and resolve their love relationship problems in all types of love relationships including the love relationship people have with themselves.  To accomplish this the amazing, scientific evidence concerning love will be presented along with the practical knowledge of successful, helping practitioners, the love wisdom of the ancients and the love lore of sages from around the world.  Special attention will be given to presenting solutions to problems in couple love, family love, friendship love, self-love, spiritual love, parent/child love, sexual love, altruistic love and the many other kinds of love.

The Vision
Dr. Cookerly and colleagues envision this site:

    Offering as much useful love knowledge as possible to as many people as possible
    Offering quality, practical help for the many difficulties people experience in love relationships in a form which is conveniently able to be practiced
    Offering ways that people can grow their love potentials to the greatest
    Contributing to the development of our great human love potential so that our world may be an even better place to live in

Special Note: To help us with this vision and mission would you be so kind as to mention this site to your friends, family, acquaintances and perhaps even to your enemies if you have any and want them possibly to be influenced by love knowledge.

Who Is Dr. Cookerly and Why Should We Listen To Him About Love?

Currently Dr. Cookerly is founder of the Love Skills Initiative, and a, author of books on healthy, real love and over 250 mini-love-lessons assisting readers with a wide variety of love issues worldwide in over 150 countries.

Briefly Dr. J. Richard Cookerly is, was, and has been for decades:

    A highly successful professional in the counseling and therapy of thousands
    A world wide researcher into the dynamics of healthy real love, false love and the solving of love relationship problems of all types including love and sexual dysfunction, healthy self-love, the development of strong and lasting couple’s love, family love and a host of other subjects related to love
    An honored graduate professor, advanced level trainer, clinical supervisor and senior consultant for counselors, therapists, physicians, nurses, religious counselors, educators and other helping professionals
    An exciting, dynamic, USA coast-to-coast workshop leader, lecturer, seminar director, retreat facilitator and radio and TV talk show guest
    A published author of professional and lay books, articles, etc.
    A multinational, inter-ethnic, cross cultural, bi-racial, ecumenical, poly-societal, relational psychotherapist and investigator of love phenomena and practices
    A broadly trained, richly experienced, well credentialed with high distinction and honored professional
    A person whose work with love and problems related to love has saved lives, greatly benefited thousands of couples, families and individuals, and who has been an inspiration to many others
    An exceptionally loving and well loved man.

Submitted by:
Kathleen McClaren, RN, BS
Mental-Health Practice Management Nurse
Carol Anne Darwin, MSSW, LCSW
CCDS III Director, & Relationship Therapist

How to Make “WOW”* Use of This Site!

This website is all about healthy real love: the strong, powerful and effective kind.  The kind that changes and improves almost everything.  The kind of love that heals, inspires, empowers, elevates, ennobles, and makes life worth living.  The healthy real love that fixes life’s problems, drives relationships forward and makes the human condition brighter and better.  It is not about the sappy, weak, foolish little things sometimes called love or “just sex”.

Come to this site weekly and you will find new and highly useful information about any and all things that can help you and those you love succeed at life with healthy real love.

Use this site to help solve relationship problems of all types, enrich and inspire your life, healthfully love yourself and others, fill your sex life with love, get over and grow from love life hurts and much much more.  Find on this site the many things that can help you delve into love more deeply and broadly as well as reach for love’s greatest heights.  Think and act with what you find here and you and your loved ones may reap the rewards of love’s many wondrous feelings far more abundantly.  Using what you discover here explore, experiment and adventure with the incredible wonders of both the ancient and the newest love knowledge.

Search into the incredibly useful things that science is discovering about love and the ways it leads to health, life success and relationship harmony.

Tell your loved ones, friends, acquaintances and even your enemies to consult this site often and watch for how lives may improve.

To get started first review Love’s Definition (a working definition of love) and its extremely important components.    Then go on to the topics that ‘grab’ your attention, intrigue you or just seem to apply.  Talk to the people in your life about what you find here and ‘Journal’ your most important love insights, love revelations and love goals.  Do the Growth Exercises to explore your  thoughts, feelings, behaviors and plans for incorporating healthy real love into your life.   Those are some of the ways to make “WOW” use of this site.
*(WOW = Wonder Of Wonders)

Dr. J. Richard Cookerly

Love Success Questions – What Are They?

Have you heard “getting the right answers depends on asking the right questions”?  Sometimes struggling with a good question is more important and productive than knowing, or quickly getting the right answer.  Much of your success with love may depend on asking, delving into and struggling with good questions.  To help you with that each time you see this symbol, ♥, a ‘Love Success Question’ will follow.  Each question is designed to help you go after answers that may greatly improve your life of love.  Hopefully you will find the Love Success Questions intriguing and fun to deal with, as well as helpful.  Even if a question does not apply to your situation it may be ‘growth-full’ nevertheless.  Here’s the first one:
Love Success Question
Are you much, or some, or perhaps only a little receptive to a ‘Love Success Question’ leading you toward new and different ways to succeed at love?

Quotable Love Quotes

Our blog posts will often close with a provocative question to help you hone your thinking and doing about love.  These will be questions about love to help you discover your own love truths.

Here is how it will work.  At the end of a mini-love-lesson you may find a quotable love question. We challenge you to ponder it and explore your own thoughts and possible answers. We would love for you to share your answers in the blog comments. And, of course, we would love for you to begin a dialog with your spouse or other loved ones. We would also love for you to discuss the topic in your favorite social media circle. See where this leads you.  Keep it friendly, after all it is about love. Make it enriching and clarifying. Report back here, if you'd like.

Quotable Love Questions alternate with the Love Success Questions featured at the end of each mini-love-lesson.