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Attitude Gifts of Love

Mini-Love-Lesson #294

Synopsis: Here we encounter attitudes as a choice rather than just reactions; furthermore attitudes that are healthful to ourselves, our love ones and our love relationships.
To be met with a smile, a cheery hello or open arms is to be met with an attitudinal love gift.  To be around an up person on most average days is to experience daily, healthy doses of attitudinal love.  To encounter a person who is repeatedly, personally up on you is to be love nurtured repeatedly. 

What Are Attitudinal Love Gifts?

To adopt, present and maintain a demeanor that is positive, pleasing, cooperative, and copacetic to benefit your loved one’s well-being and moods are great attitudinal gifts of love.  Interacting with a countenance of loving kindness, compassion, happiness and equanimity are important examples of attitude love gifts also.  

It Is A Choice

Purposefully choosing to have a countenance of happiness on most days, a compassionate demeanor on difficult days and an attitude of caring composure during times of conflict can contribute greatly to healthy relationships.  Manifesting and maintaining a positive attitude can be learned and practiced by those who give time and effort to that worthy goal.  By doing so, an additional benefit is we will be more free of negative moods and their harmful, stressor effects.

When we think of a gift, commonly we think of an object in a box with a big bow.  As you can see, there are multiple other kinds of things to attend to.  

A Beneficial Love Gift To One’s Self

Don’t forget to give yourself loving, attitude gifts.  Sometimes we are just to darn hard on ourselves.  When we have a healthy, positive attitude toward ourselves, we accrue all kinds of healthy physical benefits.  Stress might be lowered and life enjoyed more.  Those we love possibly will want to spend more time with us and be happier in our presence.  Our love, work and play might happen without as many problems and may function better.  Positive psychology proposes that living life with a positive attitude benefits all concerned.

From the Buddhist teachings on love, much can be learned about attitudinal love gifts.

On difficult days, choose to give a genuine attitude of caring love.

On great days, choose to share an attitude of celebratory love.

On ordinary days, choose to spread an attitude gift of joyful, happy love.

One More Thing

How about telling someone about this mini-love-lesson and this website about love?  Spreading the positives about love really might make your world more love enriched. 

As always – Go and Grow with Love

Dr. J. Richard Cookerly

♥ Love Success Question: What is your usual countenance or most common demeanor given to those you care about most?

Other recommended Mini-Love-Lessons related to Gift Love

A Best Gift of Love?

Rewarding Gifts of Love

Behaviors That Give Love – The Core Four

Yourself As a Great Source of Love Gifts

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